Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I receive a bill?
- Residential customers are billed every two months.

- All other customers are billed monthly.
How do I pay my bill?
- Electronic Payments: Can be made through Paymentus or E-Pay, please see the "Pay Your Bill" Page for more information

- Mail & Direct Payment: Can be mailed or delivered to our office at 1350 Turret Drive, Machesney Park, IL 61115

- After Hours Drop Box: We have two drop box locations. 1350 Turret Drive, Machesney Park, IL 61115 and the North Park Fire Station at 605 Ramona Terrace by the north entrance.

- Telephone: Payments are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1 (877) 369-2919.
Why is my water turned off?
- Service personnel may be working in the area and have turned the water off temporarily.

- You are 2 bills behind in your payments. If you make a payment, please call the office at (815) 633-5461 to arrange a turn on. We are unable to turn the water back on until we speak with the customer directly.

- You are new to the area and have not called the district's office to connect or place the account in your name.

- You have not responded to correspondence such as a yellow card placed on your door or a letter sent to your home to establish new service.

- During the winter months, exposed pipes may freeze and stop the flow of water.
Why is my water pressure low?
- Check to see if the main shutoff valve in your house is completely open. If your outside faucets have good water pressure and pressure is still low in the house, your water softener may be restricting the flow of water in your home.

- The water district may be flushing the mains in your area. See above.

- Your faucet screen or shower head may be clogged.

- The water meter that services your residence or business may be plugged.

- Call the district's office to have the meter checked.
Why is the color of my water orange, yellow, or rusty?
- Mineral deposits that have settled to the bottom of the water main have been stirred up for various reasons. Occasionally, these sediments can get washed up into the main flow and enter into your service line.

- If you experience discolored water, please contact our office and we will arrange for a technician to investigate and attempt to correct the problem.

- This water is safe to drink and bathe in, however washing clothes should be delayed until the water clears up because staining may occur.
Why is the color of my water white or milky in appearance?
There may be air in your water line. To confirm this, take a clear glass and fill with tap water. After a brief period of time, the water should clear up. Turn on all of your water fixtures for about 2 minutes and it should release the air in the water lines.
Why are white or light brown sand like particles in my water?
Occasionally, the resin filter media in water softeners will dislodge and get into your water flow. Contact the business from which you purchased or rented your softener for service.
Why is my water bill higher than normal?
You may have a leak. To check for a leak:
- Turn off all of your indoor and outdoor water fixtures including irrigation system.
- Locate your water meter found in the basement or crawl space.
- Write down the numbers off of the meter.
- Take another reading about an hour later.

If both of your readings are the same, then your system is water tight. If not, check for a running toilet or a slow leak in your faucets, shower heads, irrigation system or hose connections. These types of leaks are usually inexpensive to fix. Please call the district office at 633-5461 and a service person will be sent to your home to take a comparison reading.

You may have a silent leak in a toilet. To confirm this, put a few drops of dark food coloring in the tank of your toilet. If the coloring gets into your bowl without flushing, it is an indication that the seal in your toilet is leaking.

Typically during the summer months, usage is higher.

On rare occasions, you may have been billed for more than 60 days of water usage because the meter readings were completed later in the cycle than normal. Check your bill for the dated period of consumption.
What is the hardness of the District's water?
276 mg/l (milligrams per liter = parts per million) to 362 mg/l or 18gpg (grains per gallon) to 21 gpg.