This is a precautionary notice regarding tetrachloroethylene (PCE) sample results at Well 2. This specific water well site has been considered a standby well since 2012, and is only run for sampling purposes.
All drinking water wells used by North Park Public Water District are in compliance with state and federal drinking water standards. However, a water sample taken at Well 2 indicated the presence of tetrachloroethylene (PCE). The level of PCE detected in the sample from this well was 2.57 parts per billion (0.00257 mg/L), which is below the Class I Groundwater Quality Standard of 5 parts per billion (0.005 mg/L). This specific water well site has been considered a standby well since 2012 and is only run for sampling purposes. Our service area is served by two other primary wells (Well 3 & 4).
PCE is a manufactured volatile organic compound widely used for dry-cleaning fabrics and metal degreasing operations. Studies have shown that exposure to PCE might lead to a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer. Additional information regarding PCE can be found at: (USEPA); and (ATSDR)
To provide you with further information, a copy of the IEPA Notification Letter dated July 9, 2021, which we received regarding the test results can be found here:
Should any information change, we will contact you to keep you informed. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact North Park Public Water District at (815) 633-5461 or email at [email protected].
We are committed to ensuring that the drinking water that we produce is safe and will take all necessary steps to ensure continued compliance with all applicable regulations including continued quarterly sampling of the standby well.